Monday, 23 May 2016

Dr Paige Tucker Wins ASGO Prize

Dr Paige Tucker, clinical assistant to Dr Jason Tan and PhD wins 2 prizes for the best presentations in the Australian Society of Gynaeoncology Conference, 2016.

A Novel Solution to Leaking Ileostomy Stoma Sites

Paige E. Tuckera,b (MBBS, BSc)
Paul A. Cohena,c, (MD, FRANZCOG, MA, Dip. Obs, BM BCh)
Patrick Tana (FRACS, MBBS)
Jason Jit-Sun Tana, b, d (CGO, FRANZCOG, MBBS)

a St John of God Hospital Bendat Family Comprehensive Cancer Centre 12 Salvado Rd, Subiaco WA 6008, Australia
b School of Medicine, University of Notre Dame, 19 Mouat St, Fremantle WA 6160, Australia
c Institute for Health Research, University of Notre Dame, 19 Mouat St, Fremantle WA 6160, Australia
d Women Centre, 2 McCourt St, West Leederville WA 6007, Australia


Background: The creation of intestinal stoma is an important and commonly performed component of gynaecological oncology surgery. However, despite careful pre-operative planning, extensive experience, and precise surgical technique, complications occur in relatively high frequency. Leaking stomas and peristomal skin complications are the most common surgical complications, with rates ranging from 18-60%. The psychological and financial consequences of these complications can be considerable for the patient, as well as incurring significant morbidity. Current management of leaking stomas may involve adjustment and changing of appliance and/or the use of accessories such as seals, fillers, belts, skin protectors and creams. The products used to manage problematic stomas cost the Australian government over $19 million in 2013. However, even with these resources and optimal management by a stoma nurse specialist, some patients may find their leaking stomas refractory to treatment.

Method: We describe a novel and innovative solution to manage complex leaking stoma sites.

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